Install Smart City GPS Pet Locator System

Dear Indianapolis City Council,
Have you scrolled through the Nextdoor Neighbor App lately? There's dozens of lost pets in every district 24 hours a day. We are requesting the city lead the way into a new frontier to alleviate this easily solvable cause of human & animal suffering by installing an accurate smart city GPS Pet locator system on telephone polls & cell towers etc that would incorporate pet owners renting a gps collar or gps chip for those worried about collars where pet owners could set parameters for alarms. Neighbors could opt in to be notified if a lost pet is in their area. This is the future of pet ownership. Fees should remain as low as possible to ensure low income compliance & or be incorporated into a utility bill. This would help also to cut down shelter populations and euthanasia rates. Thank you for your time

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione
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