Stop vivisection at the University of Bradford

The University of Bradford have been exposed for horrific animal abuse inside their laboratories, such as purposely starving animals to make them perform procedures, conducting drug addiction experiments on nursing animals and cutting them open with scalpels to see the effects of scarring. All experiments happening could be replaced with non-animal methods.

Although the vivsection labs at Bradford are small, the amount of suffering inflicted is huge and sickening. We can reveal that animals are routinely starved to force them to perform procedures, mutilated and generally abused.

In one experiment, nursing mothers were forced into cocaine addiction in order to see what they found most attatched to - their offspring or cocaine. Other research includes into the effects of being wounded by a scalpel on scarring, whether animals lose weight when given anti-psychotics and inducing schizophrenia onto rats.

Please sign to help close down this unnecessary torture laboratory. Please send polite emails to the university aswell to help maximse our efforts. 

****Please don't be anything but polite, any disrespectful comments just hurt our chances which in turn hurts animals**** 

We the undersigned ask you to please stop performing unnecessary and dangerous tests on animals and invest in non animal research instead. There are many reasons why animal testing has time and time again been proved a waste of money and lives. A few facts about animal tests:
Less than 2% of all human illness are found in animals and 98% are never seen at all.
95% of drugs passed by animal tests are immediately disgarded as useless or dangerous to humans.
One is six patients in hospital are there because the drug they have taken had been passed safe for us on humans after animal tests.
If we had relied on animal tests we would still believe that humans don%u2019t need vitamin C, that smoking doesn%u2019t cause cause cancer and alcohol doesn%u2019t cause liver damage.
At least 450 methods exist with which we can replace animal experiments.

We ask you to please consider looking into non animal research, as it saves not just animal lives but human lives too. The facts are there, along with many many more that prove that animal research is ineffective and costly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you come to the right choice.

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