End cruel trapping in all Wisconsin public lands.

Wisconsin Senate Bill 226 passed with 32 of 33 Senators, Democratic (15) and Republican (unanimous) - all except Senator Risser, voting for this obscenity.  It puts the steel jaw and conibear traps, snares and cable traps into all state and county parks, and mandates priority number one trapping and hunting as a prerequisite to purchasing the Stewardship lands funded by all citizens. If you live in WI, call your senator today.  This puts all citizens at risk and neither DNR nor trapper takes any responsibility for a dog, child or person's injuries should they fall into these hidden unlimited traps.  8,000 trappers murder a 1,000,000 "furbearers" in the cruellest ways - our bobcats, foxes, otters, beavers, muskrats, and any bird of prey and collateral non-target wildlings and pets.  No "wildlife refuges" remain - all are hunted and trapped intensively. 

The steel jaw trap has been banned in 88 countries for its extreme cruelty, but is promoted by our state agencies, funded by maximum killing licenses.  Please stand to ban cruel trapping in Wisconsin, allowing only humane box trapping for humane transfer of animals to rehab.  There is no place safe for wildlife to live naturally and recuperate from the violence in Wisconsin.
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Firma la petizione

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