Fox News Is Brainwashing Government Employees at the Pentagon Daily

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
It is no secret that Fox News spews hateful, extremist propaganda 24/7. In fact, the network's lies are so explicit - and dangerous - that earlier this year, it was forced to settle a lawsuit for a whopping $737 million over its election claims.

No one in a position of authority in this country should be getting their news from Fox. And yet that's exactly what is streaming on televisions at nearly every U.S. military installation in the country.

Sign now to tell the Department of Defense (DoD): stop streaming Fox's right-wing propaganda constantly at military installations!

As a part of the new U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, the White House has charged the Department of Defense with eliminating extremist activity and rooting out Islamophobia and Antisemitism throughout the military.

But that is going to be very difficult to do if military installations don't stop airing Fox News.

According to one Senior military commander, Fox News gets the highest proportion of TV time on the U.S.'s overseas military televisions, and is virtually ubiquitous on U.S. bases and facilities. The claims are horrifying - and describe Fox News playing on TVs in waiting rooms, gyms, and even shopping facilities on bases.

Watching Fox News is dangerous, and the people charged with protecting our national security should not be consuming such violent and hateful rhetoric day in and day out. It is time the DoD take action! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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