Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to remove Vet Kerstin Vocket's Licence to Practice

A vet who mistreated two of her own dogs has been fined hundreds of pounds.

Kerstin Vockert from Sopley in Dorset admitted failling to meet the welfare needs of her cocker spaniel and her shih tzu who were found severely matted.

One was put down by Vockert herself - the other lost an eye and was left blind.

The RSPCA carried out the Prosecution. The 56-year-old continues to practice at the Ark Aid Veterinary Centre on Irving Road in Bournemouth.

She has not been banned from keeping or treating animals because as a Vet it would affect her Income. How can anyone trust their precious animals to this vile woman who would do this to her own animals. She needs her licence revoked.

Please sign and ask the vet college to investigate and remove her licence.

You can also write or contact them here:

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