Keep Pro-Violence Extremist Group's Event Out of Wisconsin State Capitol

Wisconsin signers only please, but out of staters can help by sharing with Wisconsinites you know.

The Wisconsin State Capitol building should not be a venue for a day-long session of anti-government, pro-violence extremists.

Unfortunately, that is what it will become in early February. A radical  group that demands public servants ignore laws with which they disagree is holding a day of activities at the Wisconsin State Capitol. Even more disturbing, their event is being attended and promoted by lawmakers such as Representative Chuck Wichgers.

This group, Abolish Abortion Wisconsin, lobbies for individuals who have abortions to be treated as murderers under the law. They call for legislators to openly defy laws they consider to be "unjust/immoral", particularly access to legal abortion care.

Their objective is an absolute ban on abortion, without exceptions.

Their leader, Matthew Trewhella, is a tireless campaigner for anti-government, pro-violence calls for action. He signed the Defensive Action Statement which justifies the murder of abortion providers. Trewhella has often embraced violent means for achieving an end to abortion access, including calling for churches to have armed militias.

Trewhella is a dangerous individual and this fringe organization should not be granted the honor of using the people's house for their day-long action. It is inexcusable that they would be granted use of our Capitol and extensive time with our lawmakers.

We demand that Abolish Abortion Wisconsin and Matthew Trewhella be disallowed from using the Wisconsin State Capitol for their event. We further demand lawmakers such as Rep. Chuck Wichgers immediately stop promoting this event.

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