#MasksDown DEMAND Governor rescind mandatory face masks NOW!

  • destinatario: Citizens in the state of Arkansas, Arkansas

Making face masks mandatory is unconstitutional. Face masks are ALL not only ineffective in preventing the spread of coronavirus (it says so right on the box..& paper is considered more effective than cloth, yet paper won't stop the spread). They can also be dangerous! Not only is wearing these type of masks EXTREMELY unhealthy for anyone who suffers from breathing issues such as asthma, they also increase the hormone cortisol. Cortisol is known as the "stress hormone". Wearing these masks can cause panic attacks. NO ONE with asthma or similar diseases should ever wear such masks! Besides all this, wearing masks LOWERS one's immunity. A lowered immunity makes one MORE likely to catch a VIRUS.
I, for one, will NOT be complying with the recent order by the Governor that makes wearing a mask in public MANDATORY. I know the science. I also refuse to play into the fear mongering by the radical Left, which is exactly what the Globalist's Agenda 21 wants us to do. Agenda 21 is a 16 year plan by Globalists/Democrats to destroy America, rip up the constitution, depopulate the planet by 90% using...VACCINES (COVID19, by Bill Gates). Research it!!
If I am forced by anyone to wear a mask or am arrested for not doing so, I will be filing a lawsuit on behalf of all Arkansans. I've also written Asa Hutchinson explaining all this & requesting he discuss these facts with any M.D. & rescind this ridiculous order immediately . I appreciate your signatures.

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