Edward Himbrick Hugger aka. Ed or Eddy aka Ed Hugger

This man is guided by demons. He is great at pretending he's an amazing person at first by helping. When he starts to get comfortable he slowly starts revealing the true him. Just know that he will use, abuse and leave you. 

Any company looking him up for hire. This man is sneaky and will try to collect co-workers to go against company policies. All you have to do is call his references. Ask did he follow company policy and was willing to listen to his supervisors. 

When he was moving out of his supposed friend's house in Poughkeepsie New York. He was very mean towards a beautiful loving dog Mia. He told her as he was packing up and she would follow him "I hate you" and "go away". As he continues to pack talking badly about his friend how he couldn't take care of Mia that he didn't feed her or take her out for the bathroom. Meanwhile, his friend was doing a lot of work on a new home that he was bringing Mia to go live with him and his girlfriend. He would check on Mia texting Ed if he could help. Ed would act so nice agreeing to help. Ed had a problem with this he felt like Mia was being neglected. In all actuality he was creating a better home for Mia. Months later saw many loving videos of Mia being in a happy state with zoomies and much healthier looking. I knew in my heart his friend loved Mia unconditionally.
I remember Ed showing me a picture from his facebook saying how happy Mia was when he took her out on a walk. All I saw was a stressed Mia she had wrinkles on her face showing signs of being over worked her ears tucked back I felt Mias Fear / Anxiousness. I loved Mia she was so sweet and loving unconditionally.
I have a beautiful little dog Rosey. She does have dislocated kneecaps on her back legs. One day Ed decides to take her out for a walk this walk was too much for a little dog that only weighs 5 lbs since then her knees have been so bad. I have been having to pick her up and no longer walk up any stairs. Rosey is my love it hurts me to know she went through pain. I made sure not to point the finger at him. I really was upset and hurt. How can you over do it with a little dog with health issues? Also I started to take care of Roseys teeth better since she had teeth removed. He said to me "why didn't you take care of them before that I shouldn't bother with her teeth". I had times of roughness in my life I was homeless hopping homes and living a domestic violence shelter until I was able to purchase my home back. I was unable to care for my dogs during this time and I am so grateful for help from our community that was able to take care of my dogs during this time.
Ed was causing problems in between my family. He was saying stuff such as - Your son wants dinner cooked every night. I sat down with my son (a teenager) and asked him. He told me he didn't say that at all. In fact my son is very independent and happy / grateful when I made dinner. My son prefers to do his own cooking. Since Ed left the house he is even considering trying to be a chef asked about cook books to help guide him. I am so proud of my son.

Ed was also trying to to start fights with my son trying to get my son to hit him. I am proud of my son for knowing right from wrong. 
Ed when he was leaving he told my son "I am leaving don't worry about me I already found a place." This is very inappropriate I told him to say goodbye and that's all. I am so happy my son was like why would he say that. Ed is a lost soul.
About a month before he left my home. I wasn't feeling good was feeling nauseous. So I cooked myself some eggs. I left the pan there to go hop in the shower to try to help myself to feel a little bit better. As I was in the shower I can hear Ed out in the kitchen saying "who leaves a mess and hops in the shower". As he started to giggle about it using the hot water to fill up the sink ( by the way he didn't wash the dishes) so my shower would be short. So I got out of the shower. I started the washer to use the rest of the hot water so he couldn't have it. He darts in the bedroom where I am now laying down from feeling ill. He says who does that comes out of the shower and starts the wash. I explained to him everything how I heard him and I knew what he was doing. He then starts to chest pump me so hard. I told him he was hurting me he then proceeded for what seemed to be a few minutes. Until he finally stops. 
Come to find out he's been with a women that he works with and  that he was having an inappropriate relationship with on the side. Lieing to go see her. Racking up his credit card bill on her. Ed is also bumming rides off of her causing wear and tear on her vehicle.
Ed will only get worse at the end of this year his car is up for inspection. It is not going to pass because of the issues going on with it. Ed wanted to lose his license so that this way I would drive him back and forth to work. I told him no. I will not drive him back and forth to work. I told him if he loses his license that he can take the bus. Ed was getting so many tickets in a short amount of period that they threatened to take away his license. Ed didn't like that. That's why he moved in with her she agrees to drive him to work ( I believe she has children as well). I am praying for her cause I know that it is hard when he give 2 different stories.

Months before when he started an inappropriate relationship with this woman. He told me he didn't want me to talk to anybody about our relationship. He wanted me to keep everything a secret. This is when things started to get worse. He bought these massive pillows that took up most of the bed I had about a foot of the bed to sleep on. I was in cramped quarters and still striving. He was purposely trying to get me to snap.

Ed said to me "what are you going to do when you're mother dies. You're going to have no one." Meanwhile he was with me. 

When Ed left he knew he was leaving for a while he gave no notice till the day of. He owed money and still refuses to pay the money he owes.

While he was living with me my health was declining I was becoming depressed from the abuse. I started to smoke medicinal marijuana to help relieve my stress. I have PTSD and this all brings me back to the way my father abused me. 

Ed was passive aggressive towards my brother my brother has health issues where stress can actually cause worse problems for him. My brother is undergone treatment and it will be a lifetime of treatments to try to help. Ed purposely put things in front of his door making him trip on it. My brother would call him out on his actions. Ed would act playful like he did nothing wrong. Ed didnt apologized. 

Ed can't handle when people are in distress. He said he didn't visit his mother in the hospital when she was leaving this life. He also has told me that he would not visit his friends that were in the hospital from being hurt from injuries or from having appendix removal. He prefers to avoid people that need help. Ed just likes to feed off of people that are glowing to take their energy. Just know you are a great soul if he is around to rob the energy you are bringing. 
Ed was living with his brother a while back and would push his limits knowing he was doing it and getting pleasure. One day his brother hit him. I don't blame him at all. Ed knows just how to push all limits to make someone snap.
Ed has assault charges from beating his adopted sister from years back. His adopted sister is a lost soul. She may have did wrong by talking badly but Ed had no right to attack her.

*** Update- Also things are starting to make sense now. He was acting like I was an abuser to this woman and she's trying to help him get out of this abusing relationship. Unfortunately for narcissist they have flying monkeys people that will believe anything that they say that they are the ones being abused. He told me about him getting a PO box which was a lie because he used his brother's address. Also he told me that women that don't wear makeup are usually serial killers. What am I supposed to say to that? So I said to him I guess that makes sense a lot of women serial killers don't wear makeup. Did you know that Bonnie wears a ton of makeup. Oh and this is for the fact that I don't like to wear makeup. Just so that everyone knows this is not a true fact. So as he gets his cult of line monkeys I will eliminate everyone that is even slightly on his side. This is called healthy boundaries. I will not tolerate the lieing, cheating, and manipulation he has been doing to me. Just know that there is a way out. Even though he will use every information against you to make you look like the bad person just know that you are not. There is a way out cut him out and anybody who agrees with him. I will say this though she is definitely preparing him to do this worse to someone else. 

Please beware I pray for anyone who comes in contact with him. If you need anything feel free to leave a comment I will try and help. If not you may need to get the police involved. Just please tread lightly I don't want anybody being hurt.

****Update had an awesome mechanic show me many broken things on my nice car. Ed was the one that did work on my car for the last 2 years. Why are all clips broken on the plugs that are on the engine? It should be easy to unplug and plug back but now held by zip ties and the cover for the engine was forced and broke on the back of the engine. Before Ed touch my vehicle only my brother would. My brother has morals and would never harm somes property. I would highly suggest not having him touch your vehicle or if you did you might want to do with their own inspection. This will cost more money to fix. Also my mom is upset because my brother had to fix hers rotors when Ed was working in Yorktown he brought her car to get an oil change and she had to pay for not only the oil change but rotors as well. Also my brother would have me help him or just be there to show me. I remembered when he was working on it that cover wasn't broken. That covered just pops up but you have to pop up one side at a time and gently. There's no reason why it should be broken. Ed when he worked on my car he always wanted to do things on his own. Well now I know why he breaks things. My cars worth is up to $15,000 there is no reason for anything to be damaged on it. 

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