Please help us save our dog!!
Heira is a 7 year old Staffordshire terrier, who has been a loved member of our family for over 6 years. We got Heira from a local animal rescue organization. She had been saved from an abusive owner who was starving her, beating her, and breeding her (she had a litter of pups at around 6 months old). It has taken us years to get her health back up but there is some unfortunate internal damage. She does not always know when she needs the bathroom. Heira has a sad story to tell, and we, her loving family, do not want a sad ending.
On Friday Feb. 15 2008 I went to city hall to get Heira her 2008 dog license. There I am told that we did not get her a 2007 dog license, thus we have three options.
1) Find her a home out of Brantford, ON Canada
2) Kill her
3) Let the SPCA take her
This is all because of City of Brantford, ON Municipal Codes Chapter 206 (the pit-bull ban). She had been grandfathered in, but by not getting her 2007 license she forfeits that clause.
If Heira was any other breed of dog there would be no problem getting her a license. If she was any other breed of dog that had a history of biting and had been deemed a dangerous dog, we would have received a $130 fine. The problem is she is a pit-bull.
Heira is an extremely loving dog. She is an 80pds lap dog who loves to play with my two year old son Quenton. Heira is our child and a big sister. I know she would die to save any member of this family, and we will not lose her without a fight!
We are asking for your support to help us save our dog.
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