• da: Jane Rita
  • destinatario: Bishop Shin, Kyoung Ha and other World Religious Leaders

Thank you for taking time to sign this petition. I believe if South Korean Religious Leaders which have significant influence in South Korea, took a firm stand against the torture and consumption of dogs by actively opposing it, it would go a long way toward stopping South Korea’s horrific dog meat trade.

If everyone who signs can get 1 or 2 more signatures we will gather a sufficient number to spotlight this issue and bring about change!

Thank you,

Jane Rita


Bishop Shin, Kyoung Ha, President of Council of Bishops & other South Korean and World Religious Leaders.


“South Korea has the world’s 14th largest economy and is home to global brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG, SK, and Daewoo. Yet this is also a country where an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are slaughtered and eaten each year.

Forced to endure deprivation and unimaginable torture from the moment they are born until the day they are slaughtered, dogs are imprisoned in cramped, filthy, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme weather. They get no water, exercise, companionship or medical care, and they never feel the ground beneath their feet. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking.

In broad daylight, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten, have their throats slashed, or are boiled or burnt to death. This is a profit-driven, tax free, unregulated industry that aggressively promotes the myth that eating a dog enhances male virility and stamina. Consumption peaks during the hottest days of summer (Boknal).

Koreans claim that the more a dog suffers, the better its meat is. So many dogs are sadistically made to experience extreme fear and suffering prior to death. Cats are frequently boiled alive to make health tonics, too. – “600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive,” Yonhap News, 5/21/15.

The demand is so high in South Korea that 20% of the dogs eaten there are now imported from China. South Korea is the only country known to have large, intensive farming systems to supply the demand for dog meat. “ source http://www.Koreandogs.org

Eating dog meat is NOT a personal choice. Nothing that causes so much pain and suffering can ever be called a ‘personal choice’!


Religious leaders throughout the world play an important role in civilized societies, both by the example they set and through their active participation toward raising the moral conscience of their respective nations.  Any time there occurs within any nation an unmitigated evil, it is not merely the option of religious leaders to oppose it, but it is their obligation to do so.  Silence gives consent!

The torture of dogs for consumption in South Korea, is just such an unmitigated evil that must be opposed!

The evidence that such torture of dogs has occurred in the past and continues to occur to this day is incontrovertible.  It has been well documented by koreandogs.org, Humane Society International, In Defense of Animals, among other animal welfare organizations. 

As the concept that all creatures great and small are to be appropriately treated and that animal suffering matters is found included among the precepts of both Western and Eastern Religions, it is with respect that we, the undersigned hereby petition and urge all South Korean and other World Religious leaders to become a unified voice for the voiceless.

Dear South Korean Religious Leaders:

I am entrusted to deliver for your kind consideration a petition begun August 9, 2015 entitled: URGE SOUTH KOREAN RELIGIOUS LEADERS - METHODIST, CATHOLIC, PRESBYTERIAN, & BUDDHIST - TO PREACH AGAINST THE TORTURE AND CONSUMPTION OF DOGS

To date over 5,700 people from all over the world have signed this petition because of their belief that you can truly make a positive difference on this critical issue. On behalf of each of them I ask you to consider this petition with an open heart and mind and then to do all within your power and sphere of influence to bring about an end to the cruel dog meat trade in South Korea specifically as well as in the rest of Asia.

The argument for the petition and the petition itself follows below and includes all its signatures to date.

On behalf of its signers, the favor of your reply is requested.

For the love of all God’s Creatures both Great and Small,

I am respectfully yours,

Jane Rita

ARGUMENT / PETITION: Religious leaders throughout the world play an important role in civilized societies, both by the example they set and through their active participation toward raising the moral conscience of their respective nations. Any time there occurs within any nation an unmitigated evil, it is not merely the option of religious leaders to oppose it, but it is their obligation to do so. Silence gives consent! The torture of dogs for consumption in South Korea, is just such an unmitigated evil that must be opposed! The evidence that such torture of dogs has occurred in the past and continues to occur to this day is incontrovertible. It has been well documented by koreandogs.org, Humane Society International, In Defense of Animals, among other animal welfare organizations.

As the concept that all creatures great and small are to be appropriately treated and that animal suffering matters is found included among the precepts of both Western and Eastern Religions, it is with respect that we, the undersigned, hereby petition and urge all South Korean and other World Religious leaders to become a unified voice for the voiceless.

Direct link to the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/336/181/524/   

Aggiorna #59 anni fa
WONDERFUL NEWS! On 2-10-16 Nami Kim and her team succeeded in rescuing all 15 dogs from a dog farm in Bucheon. See the photos: http://koreandogs.org/nami-kim-team-rescues-from-bucheon-dog-farm/ Also Visit Nami Kim’s Facebook page for the latest updates! https://www.facebook.com/savekoreandogs/ PLEASE HELP Nami rescue more Korean Dogs by donating whatever you can to: KoreanDogs.org They will send 100% of all donations to Nami and her team to rescue more. Thank you!
Aggiorna #49 anni fa
December 15: Since my last update I have sent the petition to over 225 Korean religious leaders worldwide, and I will continue sending it. It is important to note that many South Korean activists are working with koreandogs.org , In Defense of Animals idausa.org , and Humane Society International hsi.org to end the torture and consumption of dogs. So, whatever we achieve through this petition also adds to their efforts.
Aggiorna #39 anni fa
October 4: One of our signers just wrote - I do not understand as a Christian how the churches do not speak out against this atrocity. - I agree!!! I sent the petition yesterday to 60 additional Korean Religious Leaders and I will continue sending more this week.
Aggiorna #29 anni fa
I have just sent the petition to The Dalai Lama, Korean Methodist & Catholic Bishops and
Presbyterian Church leaders in Korea. I requested a response from each and I’ll update you as received. I will continue to send to additional religious leaders worldwide. Once again, please continue sharing this critical petition to help its chances for making a difference.
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Based on the wonderful support and comments, such as - “no words …just tears” - which have so touched my heart, I feel empowered to expand this petition to include Presbyterian, Catholic clergy, and Buddhists. It is my hope that while they differ on various issues, one thing they ought to be able to agree upon is that South Korea’s torturing dogs for consumption is an unmitigated evil that must be stopped! Please continue sharing this petition to help its chances for making a difference.
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