Protect the World's Oldest Wild Bird and Others From Environmental Threats

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Wisdom, a 74-year-old Laysan albatross, has just made history as the oldest known wild bird in the world, by laying her 60th egg. She's not just an extraordinary individual - she's also a living symbol of resilience and the irreplaceable beauty of our natural world.

Wisdom's remarkable life has spanned decades of environmental change, yet her survival and the survival of her species remain under constant threat.

We urge wildlife authorities to take immediate and proactive steps to ensure Wisdom's safety, as well as that of her mate and offspring, in the face of growing dangers like habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Sign the petition!

Wisdom's nesting grounds on Midway Atoll are vital not only to her but to millions of seabirds who depend on this haven for survival.

Every year, seabirds like Wisdom endure threats from invasive species, rising sea levels, and ocean plastics. Wisdom herself has beaten the odds, living several years longer than the usual lifespan of Laysan albatrosses, and raising over 30 chicks in her lifetime. But she cannot do it alone.

Her story underscores the urgent need to expand funding for bird conservation, protect critical habitats, and intensify efforts to remove plastic and other pollutants from marine ecosystems.

Let's honor Wisdom's legacy by taking action to protect her and the next generation of seabirds. She may have lived this long, but her survival and the survival of her species depend on us. Let's ensure that she - and the countless other birds that share our world - can continue to thrive for generations to come.

Sign this petition to help us call on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to increase protections for nesting sites on Midway Atoll, implement plans to reduce marine pollution, and expand funding for bird conservation programs.
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