Demand an end to the abuse of the Havasupai Horses

For 60 years, Havasupai horses have been neglected and abused. The trail to get to the falls is about 8 miles long with a 2000-foot decent. It is difficult and straining on the horses, especially when they do not get to rest and are not properly fed. horses are brutally beaten when collapsing from being overworked on the trail. Water and food are not adequately provided, and horses are underweight and in poor health. Horses that can no longer work are left to die on the trail and eaten by coyotes.
Please, let's stand together and put an end to this horrible mistreatment of such a beautiful creature! Please sign this petition to shut this service down.

Thank you.

Aggiorna #17 anni fa
Please share this with others and demand the torture stop! Together we can make a difference.
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