School Is For Learning, Not Shock Therapy!

  • da: S E Smith
  • destinatario: United States Department of Education, Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities, Massachusetts Attorney General Margaret Coakley

An educational facility should be a place of learning, especially for disabled students who may additional support to thrive in school. At the Judge Rotenberg Center, students are subjected to electric shocks, restraints, and isolation. It's the only school in Massachusetts known to use shock therapy as an "aversive" tactic to address behavioral outbursts among students, and many disability advocates argue that shocking students as much as 30 times is a form of torture. 

This facility should be closed, as its educational philosophy clearly isn't in line with modern approaches to education, particularly disability-focused education. In addition, its officials should be investigated to determine whether any of them are liable under civil or criminal law for the distress they inflicted on their students. 

Dear education officials, legislators, and Madame Attorney General,

An educational facility should be a place of learning, especially for disabled students who may additional support to thrive in school. At the Judge Rotenberg Center, students are subjected to electric shocks, restraints, and isolation. It's the only school in Massachusetts known to use shock therapy as an "aversive" tactic to address behavioral outbursts among students, and many disability advocates argue that shocking students as much as 30 times is a form of torture. 

This facility should be closed, as its educational philosophy clearly isn't in line with modern approaches to education, particularly disability-focused education. In addition, its officials should be investigated to determine whether any of them are liable under civil or criminal law for the distress they inflicted on their students. 

Numerous disability and education advocates have called for action on the Judge Rotenberg Center, and the next generation of disabled children is counting on you to ensure their access to a fair, safe, and humane education. 

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