END BSL! Let Our Pitbulls run free! Britain Need PitStops!

Let Our Pitbulls Run Free!! 

Let Out Pitbulls Run Free!!! Every day we register so many pit bulls and banned dogs in and around the UK, making them follow a law where they cannot run free and be happy and must be muzzled and on a lead at all times. I have learnt having a registered Pitbull that this is so so sooooo hard to keep your Pitbull happy. You end up with a frustrated dog which usually does lead to aggression which is also hard when you have more than one dog. We’re locking up all these high energy dogs stopping them from stretching their legs and feeling the wind in their fur when 99.9% of them are perfectly good dogs who have been brought up not allowed to play with other dogs which in fact does make them aggressive when they get older as all we have taught them is to stay away from other dogs this is making them worse. We are teaching dogs and people to be fearful of this breed when the people are the ones we need to watch out for.

So….If I can get the support and a big enough petition couldn’t we do something were we have certain areas in certain parks or woodland that we fence off and make secure, people call up and book in with their dog and index number and they get an hours slot to have a nice safe private walk to themselves. We can even put all proceeds to a charity or even the dog unit to help them care for the dogs they take to get registered.  

Pitbulls are just like all other breeds, the only difference is that these idiots around our area like to use them as show dogs to look hard. The majority now days are people like me as I’m sure your aware. These doggies are family dogs and we need to start treating them like it.  

Please help me change the Pitbull world we can make these dogs the family dogs they used to be. Even if they have to be imprisoned By muzzle and lead FOR NOW. They can still be happy.


Let Out Pitbulls Run Free!!! Every day we register so many pit bulls and banned dogs in and around the UK, making them follow a law where they cannot run free and be happy and must be muzzled and on a lead at all times. I have learnt having a registered Pitbull that this is so so sooooo hard to keep your Pitbull happy. You end up with a frustrated dog which usually does lead to aggression which is also hard when you have more than one dog. We’re locking up all these high energy dogs stopping them from stretching their legs and feeling the wind in their fur when 99.9% of them are perfectly good dogs who have been brought up not allowed to play with other dogs which in fact does make them aggressive when they get older as all we have taught them is to stay away from other dogs this is making them worse. We are teaching dogs and people to be fearful of this breed when the people are the ones we need to watch out for.

So….If I can get the support and a big enough petition couldn’t we do something were we have certain areas in certain parks or woodland that we fence off and make secure, people call up and book in with their dog and index number and they get an hours slot to have a nice safe private walk to themselves. We can even put all proceeds to a charity or even the dog unit to help them care for the dogs they take to get registered.  

Pitbulls are just like all other breeds, the only difference is that these idiots around our area like to use them as show dogs to look hard. The majority now days are people like me as I’m sure your aware. These doggies are family dogs and we need to start treating them like it.  

Please help me change the Pitbull world we can make these dogs the family dogs they used to be. Even if they have to be imprisoned By muzzle and lead FOR NOW. They can still be happy.

Aggiorna #29 anni fa
I'd like to thank everyone so far for sharing this petition we have a LONG way to go but I will not give up!
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Good News!!! Council have emailed me are interested in giving us a corner of a park somewhere in London if i can get the funding for the fencing!! wahooo! balls rooling guys! thank you all so much for your help please keep sharing and signing so we can get a few opened up in and around London!!! SET OUR PITBULLS FREE!!
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