Save the Neglected Exotic Wild Cats in Cancun

13 Tigers and Lions and 2 Jaguars are living in deplorable conditions in Cancun, Mexico at two locations under the guardianship of one owner. The level of neglect is appalling! For at least FIVE years these animals have lived in substandard conditions. For an accurate description of the state of these living conditions, please read this web page published in 2004 and keep in mind that nothing has changed in the quality of life for these exotic cats:

And it's getting worse! Read this testimonial from someone who saw the Tigers very recently - they need immediate veterinary assistance:

I have seen these animals in March 2009 and one of the tigers kept trying to stand up but it's back legs would give way. While we were looking Pepe came out shouting at us to go away which we did not do. when I asked him to come the side I was on of the iron bars he refused because I told him I would put him in the same dying condition of these poor endangered big cats.

In response to people who are suggesting that we contact Born Free/ZooCheck: Yes, they have been contacted and they've been aware of this tragic situation for many years. They are keeping pressure on the Mexican Government and the U.K. Embassy to change this situation also.

In December of 2008, the Mexican Government agency, PROFEPA, agreed to review the UMA license held by Gil Jose Juarez (Pepe Tiger) after pressure from animal rights groups. This is a critical time for us to be proactive while his license is under review.

The physical and mental health of these Cats cannot be ignored any longer. As well as signing this petition it would be very helpful if you would email the Government of Mexico demanding they release these beautiful animals to a sanctuary. Following are the key officials to contact:


Adriana Rivera Cerecedo



Rene Carmona Gallegos

....To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.... Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) American Essayist & Poet

You can find more pictures and information at my blogspot:

Thank you very much for your time and compassion!


We, the undersigned intend to stop the neglect and inhumane treatment of 15 Wild Exotic Cats in captivity in Cancun, Mexico. We are asking that the UMA license of Gil Jose Juarez (Pepe Tiger) be revoked by PROFEPA. The care and transfer of these animals can be made via GEPDA or an effective rescue group with veterinary assistance and a rescue sanctuary working as a team in this matter.
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