Remove restrictive regulations while ice fishing.

Attention Wyoming anglers, 

This petition is to address certain fishing regulations in Wyoming. 

The current Wyoming 2020 fishing regulations state:

(i) The use of more than two (2) lines is permitted only during the ice covered period, and only when the angler is fishing through the ice, on waters listed below as being included under the Special Winter Ice Fishing Provision.

(ii) No person shall use more than six (6) lines at any time to fish.

(iii) When using more than two (2) lines;

(A) The angler's name shall be attached to each line, pole or tip-up;

(B) The angler shall be no more than three hundred (300) yards from all lines; and,

(C) The angler shall check his/her own lines.

Under Section 4. Methods.

(a) It is legal to use hand lines, set lines, poles, or tip ups when fishing through the ice and the angler is in attendance.

There is no definition defining of "in attendance" in the regulation booklet or in chapter 46 Fishing Regulations. It is left up to interpretation. 

The purpose of this petition is to amend the regulations to include or exclude the following EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY:

(ii) No person shall use more than six (6) lines at any time to fish.

(iii) When using more than two (2) lines;

(A) The angler's name shall be attached to each line, pole or tip-up;

(B) The angler shall be no more than three hundred (300) yards from all lines;

  (C) The angler shall check his/her own lines except when lines belong to an immediate family member who is within three hundred (300) yards, holding a valid fishing license (unless under the age requirement), and only during the night time periods;

(D) the angler may leave all lines in the water over the duration of the night unattended while remaining within three hundred (300) yards.

Section 4. Methods.

(a) It is legal to use hand lines, set lines, poles, or tip ups when fishing through the ice and the angler is in attendance within (300) yards.

Immediate family member

Means spouse and children between the ages of four (4) and fourteen (14).

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