Remove the tyrannical duo from OUR Whitehouse

    Besides political bipartisan disagreements between Democrats and Republicans, Law and order, Russian Collusion, Ukraine call, personal and political scandals, offensive and emotional tweets, bad grammar, bigotry, Constitutional violations where Trump has been fully and partially accused of etc.. Donald Trump’s incapability to be the commander in chief is notorious, it is damaging the values of the country and I dare to say that it is dividing our society more than ever before in the history of USA.
    Donald Trump has affected the union between parties over fundamental visions of national character, his actions have made The Republican party to have a national identity of America as in the past, a time when America was a white, Christian nation. It's a traditionalist vision. And the Democratic party, has a very different vision of America. It's a more secular place, it's more progressive and celebrates diversity. This division has caused a Political polarisation and inequality that has run together for the last 40 years, as the country has grown more unequal, the parties have grown further apart like never before.
    Trump is causing now a Historic corruption to be seen as normal. Trump has a lot of dishonest thoughts his persistent falsehoods have no historical precedent. That’s simply not normal. The issue of Trump being separated from true facts and reality has given Corruption a free path in Washington DC and the states. We don’t have equivalent historical data, but I’m confident that even Richard Nixon, who told more than a few important whoppers, didn’t come close to Trump’s level of habitual dishonesty. Barack Obama, George W. Bush? As I’ve said many times, most politicians actually care a lot about establishing a reputation for reliability. Oh, they’ll spin. They’ll present the best-looking version of events that can still count as the truth. But they will very rarely say something that flat-out isn’t so. And if they’re called on it, they’ll usually retreat to a more justifiable position. Trump, instead, just keeps going. This behavior has led to have many studies made by health professionals who came all along came to the conclusion that Trump suffers from a mental illness combined with a narcissistic disorder behavior leading to Insanity making it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires and the worst thing of all is that his supporters are being mentally affected as well as if Trump’s mental health condition was contagious.
    No president in recent memory and likely no president ever has prompted more discussion about his mental stability and connection with reality
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