CBS Please Drop "Zoo" From Your Summer Programs!

  • da: Barb Knight
  • destinatario: James Patterson, Michael Ledwedge, & Producer Jeff Pinker

Author James Patterson and co-author Michael Ledwedge wrote a sci-fi book entitled "Zoo." It is about wild animals that escape the zoo and start mauling citizens to death. CBS said it would add a sci-fi drama, “Zoo,” to its lineup for next summer, continuing a recent effort to launch escapist fare with elements of the supernatural and the extraterrestrial for a time of year when broadcast networks once largely kept new programming on the shelf.

The network said “Zoo,” based on the 2012 thriller by author James Patterson, would consist of 13 episodes and was given a straight-to-series order.

The series looks at the fallout from a wave of violent animal attacks against humans across the planet. As the assaults become more coordinated and fierce, a young renegade biologist tries to unlock the pandemic’s mystery.

Jeff Pinkner, Josh Appelbaum, Andre Nemec and Scott Rosenberg wrote the script and are executive producers with James Mangold, Cathy Konrad, James Patterson, Bill Robinson, Leopoldo Gout and Steve Bowen.

“’Zoo’ further demonstrates our commitment to high-quality, year-round programming and to high-concept series that play to summer audiences in the U.S. as well as on a global scale,” said Nina Tassler, chairman, CBS Entertainment, in a prepared statement. “With this No. 1 bestseller coming to television, we’re excited to give our viewers a thrill ride with another blockbuster event."

Animal cruelty is an "ongoing event." Animal conservationists around the globe work tirelessly on a daily basis to save wild animals. We have only started to scratch the surface in winning the war against elephant poachers who use tranquilizer darts in order to saw off their ivory tusks and sell them to the highest bidder. Tigers are being poached for their parts for "healing medicine." We are concerned that "Zoo" will hurt the wild animals by using horrible methods to make them "submit" to do what is asked of them. Wild animals belong in the wild not on a TV show.

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