Tell Congress to pass Biden's American Families Plan!

  • da: OD Action
  • destinatario: United States Congress

President Biden has unveiled his $1.8 trillion American Families Plan, a historic investment in education, childcare, and paid family leave which will pay for itself within 15 years and boost our economy out of the pandemic losses while making a lifetime of positive impact for millions of families.

The package includes affordable childcare and universal preschool, free community college, strengthening our workforce of teachers and childcare workers, expanding the free school meals program to more low-income families – and much more.

Can we get a 'yes, please?'

Add your name to tell Congress to support and pass the American Families Plan!

Reduced-cost childcare, paid leave to support sick family members, and free college classes addresses some of the biggest financial struggles for millions of both middle and working class families, both before and during the pandemic.

And the American Families Plan also corrects the giveaways to the 1% that disgraced ex-President Trump passed in his Tax Scam – finally holding the extremely wealthy accountable for paying their fair share, and reinvesting that money in a more equitable manner.

This is why we elect Democrats.

Sign here to demand Congress invests in families – by passing Biden's American Families Plan!

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