Tell Philip Morris International and R.J. Reynolds to stop testing tobacco on animals!

Their skin peeling off … Their hair falling out … Their eyes oozing … Smoke pumped directly into their noses for hours a day … Their bare skin painted with tar … Tumors on their skin … This is what animals endure in experiments conducted by tobacco giants R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris International. If you thought that tobacco companies didn't still fund or conduct cruel experiments on animals, you were wrong. In fact, two of the world's largest companies still do painful, archaic, and irrelevant tobacco tests on animals even though they aren't required by law and even though superior non-animal testing methods are readily available. Lorillard Tobacco, the third-largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the U.S., has banned tobacco tests, and tobacco product tests on animals have even been banned entirely in the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, and other countries. Tell Philip Morris International and R.J. Reynolds to stop.

WTF: Tobacco companies like Philip Morris are still FORCING ANIMALS TO SMOKE Tell them 2 STOP

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