Punish Heartless Hunters Who Illegally Killed A Hibernating Mother Bear And Her Cubs!

Andrew and Owen Renner were caught on film mercilessly killing a hibernating mother bear and her cubs. They even lied to cover their tracks.

Add your name if you want to make sure animal abusers like them are never allowed to hunt again!

"The US Humane Society released a sickening surveillance video, showing a father and son from Alaska illegally killing a black bear and her two newborn cubs — while they were still hibernating inside their den.

""They'll never be able to link it to us," the son can be heard saying on the video after taking out the mama bear and her offspring," reported The New York Post.

What kind of human being would creep up on a sleeping animal and murder it for fun?

This is unforgivable.

"Their despicable actions were captured on a wildlife camera, set up by the US Forest Service and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, to study the bears.

"The haunting video footage shows the men creeping up to the bears' winter den and shooting the mother as her two babies shriek in fear, until more shots pierce the air," said the Humane Society.

"Andrew and Owen Renner later pleaded guilty to illegally killing the bears," according to the same source.

And the worst part is, this murderous duo only got a slap on the wrist for their actions.

"According to officials, Andrew was sentenced to three months in jail and fined $9,000. He was also forced to forfeit some of his personal property — including a 22-foot boat, his vehicle and various weapons. Owen was 17 at the time and sentenced to community service," said the same source.

Let that sink in.

That poor mother bear and her cubs are gone forever.

And these two wicked men get a measly three months jail tail, and some community service.

Big whoop.

It's time to start punishing heartless people like this FOR REAL.

By taking away the thing they love most: the chance to hunt.

Convicted animal abusers deserve to be forbidden from ever hunting again. Don't you agree?

Senator Bernie Sanders has been a long-term advocate for animal rights, and has co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation to protect endangered species, as well as to combat animal cruelty.

That's why we're asking him to lead a movement in Congress that would forbid people like the Renners from hunting and abusing more animals like these defenseless bears.

Don't you want to give criminals like them the punishment they deserve?

Then add your name to ask Senator Sanders to draft legislation that would strip convicted criminals of the right to ever hunt again!

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