Stop the Euthanization of My Show Dogs!

  • da: Richard Santos
  • destinatario: Ellis County,TX Sheriff's Dept., Animal Control & Justice of the Peace, Pct.#2

My three American Bully show dogs, Miklow, Nasty and Madusa have been trapped at the Ellis County, Texas SPCA since March. That day, they somehow escaped their locked kennel and ended up in a neighbor's yard with the gate closed. Now, they're facing death.

While they were there, they supposedly got in a fight with my neighbor's dog, who is black. My dogs were seized by the SPCA; his dog was taken to the vet. I was given a bill for $2,000 for an injured golden retriever mix -- not the dog in question at all.

My neighbor's dog appears to be fine. Meanwhile, my sweet babies are facing euthanization. During a hearing at Ellis County Precinct #2, Judge Johnnie Miller, declared them "dangerous," which is far from the truth, and sentenced them to be killed.

My dogs are inside dogs, professionally trained, loyal, very affectionate and good with children. What's more, they're "show dogs" -- they've won several ribbons around the country being shown by my 6-year-old daughter, Kiley, and myself. My dogs have been around hundreds of other dogs and other people, and they've never shown any aggression whatsoever.

My sweet babies are already banned from coming back into Ellis County. I can accept this -- if they're released, my Mother in Nueces County, TX is willing to take them. But to kill them based on allegations and breed stereotypes is unfair and heartbreaking.

The deadline to present this petition in court is May 20. Please sign my petition to save my dogs!

Aggiorna #310 anni fa
My Appeal Hearing will be held on Tuesday, May 20th @ 1:30 pm at the Ellis County Court # 1 with Judge Chapman in Waxahachie, TX. I will be representing myself for the hearing which is taking a big chance but I was not able to get an attorney. This situation is now in God's hands and he will be the judge. I hope that finally my Babies will be able to come back home or I will move away if I have to in order to get them back. I thank all of you that have signed this petition. I have had people to sign from all over the world. May God bless you as you have blessed me and my family during this difficult time. Thank you, Richard
Aggiorna #210 anni fa
I visited Miklow, Nasty, & Madusa today. Their stay at SPCA in the small confined cages for almost 2 months has taken a toll on them. It has broken their spirit and it breaks my heart to see that they are no longer the happy puppies they once were at home. I have not received a date for the appeal. I need your prayers! Thank you so much for being a part of this journey to save my babies.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
I visit my babies at Ellis County SPCA almost daily and they have allowed me to visit and pet them. I take them extra food, bones and toys because they are very active and I know how bored they are in those small cages. I am waiting for a court date from the Appeal that I have filed. I appreciate all of you that have signed my petition and hope you share with all your friends to do the same. Thank You!
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