Stop Animal Testing for Cancer Research.
Loads of people I know say that it is unacceptable to test cosmetic products on animals, and yet is acceptable to test drugs on them for cancer research. I have to disagree. As we all know, testing cosmetics on animals is ridiculous and cruel because they do not wear make up or use shampoo. People who believe that cosmetic testing is acceptable are ridiculed and insulted for their beliefs, and yet people who say that animals shouldn't have cancer drugs tested on them are ridiculed also. What's going on? How can people say they are against animal testing for cosmetics and are for animal testing for cancer research? It all boils down to fear, people are scared of cancer because it inflics death on the human race. Cosmetics do not inflict death and so we do not have an issue with disliking the testing of them on animals. Us humans seem to look upon death as a bad thing, when actually in reality it is perfectly normal and acceptable.
Cancer research testing means giving animals a human strain of cancer so that harmful chemicals can then be injected in to the animal's body in an attempt to cure the cancer. This inflicts large amounts of pain and suffering on the animals and should therefore be shunned by all.
When supporting cancer research, you are supporting the torture of fellow life forms. This is selfish, humans are constantly using others as a way to avoid natural things such as disease and now death. Put an end to this unfair behaviour, ban cancer research animal testing for good, sign the petition now!
Dear Cancer research, we the udersigned think that cancer research animal testing is cruel and barbaric because it inflicts huge amounts of suffering and discomfort on to millions of animals a year. Please may you put an end to such means of testing and instead turn your time and money to finding cures via other means which do not interfere with the lives of so many harmless creatures per year.
Thankyou for taking the time to read and consider our opinions and views.
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