Negligent neighbor causes separation of service/handicapped dog from loving owner. Help protest that Odysseus isn't a danger to society and be returned home!!

  • da: Quona Leonard
  • destinatario: BARCS, Baltimore City Animal Control

This is my son Odysseus, he just turned 10 yrs old. He was born blind but I sware with all the love in his heart he can see clearer than any one ever will. Unfortunately my baby has been in possession of Animal Control since Nov.6th. He was taken from me because my neighbors are very neglectful with their pack of chihuahuas that frequently run at large in my neighborhood and have collectively gone after my dog on several occasions. This time it ended in the death of one of the chi's. With grave sympathy in my heart and from my family who also knew the chihuahua who has passed on, in the loss of a life we are also suffering the separations from Odysseus.

My hearing is Nov. 30th a Wednesday to determine the fate of my dog. It's not fair to him as i believe he had just done what any dog would do while protecting themselves. Also by being blind he's more apt to be hyper protective of himself and his territory.

Understanding the dynamics of dog behavior and either having first hand knowledge or having seen documented tests done on the temperamental behavior of pitbulls vs. chihuhua, one would openly agree that the chihuhua has a mighty big ego. 

Odysseus has been a phenomenal dog, has had exceptional behavior, a service to me even with his own handicap, and a great advocate to his breed in the APBT community. 

Please help by sending us good vibes and love to us and the people in the jury of our hearing as I would love for them to see us with love in their hearts.

By signing this petition and showing your support,  your signature is an agreement and also advocating the knowledge that the American Pitbull Terrior has been documented by many groups, foundations, animal behavior specialist, and others sources that this breed has surpassed on many levels with great responsible owners, have shown to have good behavior,  great temperament, and have been recommended as great pets to have in your home, in your community, as public working dogs, emotional companions, and are highly capable of performing duties for the disabled.

My dog has been a constant service to me physically, mentally, and emotionally for 10 years. As my personal service animal, my best friend, and loving family dog. I ask that you agree he be returned home with out being labeled a viscious/dangerous dog according the City of Baltimore Animal Control ruling. 

Let it be known that singled out incidents shouldn't wipe away all the positive impacting love and service Odysseus has performed.

Thank you!


By singing this petition you are advocating my dog to be returned home to his family and not to deem him a dangerous dog to society.

Aggiorna #18 anni fa
Our hearing is Nov 30th! I want to thank you all again for your love and support. We definitely can feelniy. Wish us luck and we'll continue to send you all love as well. Stay blessed. Thank You. QUONA
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