46 Dogs Were Found in an Ohio Home. Nearly Half of Them Were Dead.

When a Portsmouth City Health Department employee arrived on the scene of a house reported for an unusual amount of flies and bad odor, nothing could have prepared her for what she'd find: dozens upon dozens of dogs, 19 of them dead. The rest were in desperate need of food and water, many crammed into small cages. The dogs that survived, which all appeared to be German shepherds or shepherd mixes, may not have lasted much longer had help not arrived when it did.

Sign now to demand prosecutors on this case recommend a ban on animal ownership and mental health counseling for the alleged perpetrator!

In this tragic case, the harm is already done, and we know fines or jail time won't bring the poor dead dogs back to life. Instead, we must push prosecutors to take steps and measures that would actually prevent more harm to animals in the future. What this woman clearly needs is mental health counseling and a ban on animal ownership. When asked about the state of the house and the devastating scene, the woman responded that she felt "overwhelmed." This behavior is abnormal and absolutely devastating, and prosecutors should be prioritizing a path forward that keeps other animals out of harm's way and gets this woman help that she clearly needs.

We must put pressure on local prosecutors to recommend solutions that will reduce animal suffering overall. Sign now to tell prosecutors: recommend a ban on animal ownership and mental health counseling for the alleged perpetrator! We must protect these poor pups at all costs.
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