ST. LOUIS PARK, MN: Time to Lower our Pesticide and Herbicide rates
Dear St Louis Park City Council Persons:
We the undersigned are writing to encourage stricter regulations designed to decrease St. Louis Park use of pesticides and herbicides both commercially and it is late October and we can still see yard companies coming and spraying, signs in yards warning people/pets to keep off, and even similar signs in our nature centers.
1st, if persons/people need to stay off sprayed areas then there must be some safety concerns.........and we don't want or need this in our neighborhoods/city and on our earth.....
2nd, if it must be used it needs to be kept on the sprayed areas, and not in streets/gutters and other drainage areas......
3rd, there are now natural options to many pesticides and herbicides. St. Louis Park wants to be an environmental and ecological leader then we, the city, should explore and use these........
In summary, these products have some safety concerns for people, pets, and even the natural environment.......when used they should be used as little as possible and as safely as possible......this does not seem the case to us.......
Please, for the future of St. Louis Park and the world, consider stricter limits on use of pesticides and herbicides, make sure companies spraying are trained and maximizing proper use and minimizing spread onto non-sprayed areas.....
Please and thank you!
Firma la petizioneFirma la petizione