This is my frist petition so bare with me here....My best friend brought this to my attention about an unspeakable animal cruelty right here in my Home town. A Huntingdon man Thomas Holland has been charged by state police for refusing Verterinary care, and malnourishment of a 14 year old dog. Thomas has been charged but there is talk around town he my only get a slap on the wrist for his cruelty. I want to make sure he get's the maximum punishment that the law allows for his crimes, and never be able to own another animal for the rest of his life. That is why I need your help in signing my petition to encourage are District Judge of Huntingdon P.A. to help bring justice for brownie, and not let Thomas Holland get away with only a slap on the wrist. Brownie was left on the side of the road to die, Luckily for her a kind hearted soul found her, and she is now receiving the vet care and food she needs. It is a day to day for Brownie and she is not out of the woods yet, My hope's and prayers are with her. Please help me with my petition by signing.

Aggiorna #210 anni fa
I sent out a few emails to Mike Fleck copy's of all the signatures I have so far. I have not heard anything back yet...On Monday I am printing out all the signatures, and going to his office...I would like to get as many signatures as I can before Monday. Thank you to everyone that Has supported my petition.
Aggiorna #110 anni fa
Brownie is holding her own, graduating to Wonder Chicken from Weis Store! She is a closet eater, will not eat in front of anyone! She is receiving 2 pints of blood today. It is still day to day. As of today her vet costs are $480. If you would like to donate to her vet care, you may do so at Paypal
(Pets Come First) or by donating to Pets Come First at 2451 General Potter Highway, Centre Hall, PA 16828