Bring Ronnie Creager back to eS

Hello fellow skateboarders! I am starting this petition to bring a legend back home to his original shoe company. We need Ronnie Creager back on eS where he belongs since it looks like eS footwear is making a come back! We would all benefit from this. His pro models were one of the best shoes out there and we all miss the style and originality that eS brought to the skateboarding industry. I need as many signatures that I can get so Mr.Don Brown, Sole technology and eS can hear us out! I grew up like many of you did skating the Ronnie Creager pro models and the vary many shoe models that they developed throughout the years and who better to bring back than RONNIE CREAGER!!!! Let our voices be heard and lets get the word out! With your help we can make this happen!!!!!

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