Demand Justice for Police Brutality Victim Malik King,LVN,RN

  • da:
  • destinatario: President Barack Obama, Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, Mayor Miguel A. Pulido and the Santa Ana City Council

On March 9, 2011 several Police brutally ordered a K-9 to attack an unarmed, California Registered (RN). The California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Orange County then attempted to cover up the incident.

Malik King, a reportedly Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) since nineteen and RN since twenty three, is said to have initially attempted to steal a car. Later, it was found he was the owner of that Mercedes. What ensued next on the part of several officers goes well beyond the bounds of simply trying to subdue their suspect. 

The Police officers ordered a K-9 to attack him while he was still fastened in his seat-belt; tasered multiple times while the K-9 attacked for over one minute and thirty seconds, then hand cuffed, slammed to the concrete, hog tied, beat and kicked in the head until unconscious. He was then taken to jail, accused of multiple felonies, and had to pay $50,000 for bail. 

Despite witnesses and the clear brutality of the beating, kicking, tasering, and ordered K-9 attack, California Highway Patrol allowed several officers to remain active and attempted a cover-up. 
Violations of federal law occur when it can be shown that the force used was willfully "unreasonable" or "excessive". By signing this petition you agree that "unreasonable" or "excessive force" was used on Malik A. King on March 9, 2011 in Orange County, California. 

The beating of Mr. King is sickening and disturbing. The police involved in the beating and cover up must be brought to justice. Tell Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas to thoroughly investigate and prosecute the officers involved in the brutality of Malik A. King,LVN,RN.

We the undersigned agree that "unreasonable" and "excessive" force was used on Malik A. King,LVN,RN,BSN,PHN on March 9, 2011 in California Orange County. The situation surrounding the beating, tasering, and ordered dog attack on Malik A. King,LVN,RN,BSN,PHN is sickening and disturbing.
It is the obligation of police officers to serve and protect the public to the best of their abilities, and in accordance with the law. By showing such extreme brutality towards Malik, and then attempting to cover up the incident, these officers neglected their duties and have proven to be a danger to those they are supposed to help and to the legal system in general.

Do not let these individuals get away with such violence and neglect. Thoroughly investigate the incident and see to it that the individuals involved in the K-9 attack and cover up are prosecuted to the fullest extent.

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