In many Asian countries cats and dogs are eaten for food. However, the cruel treatment and butchering of these defenseless animals is barbaric and inhumane. Dogs and cats are raised on illegal "farms" where conditions are often deplorable. Some are homeless animals rounded up from the streets while others were once family pets kidnapped from their homes. The animals are boiled alive, beaten, electrocuted, burned, and maimed BEFORE they are killed. Cats are seen as pests and boiled alive to make " cat juice", while dogs are strung by their legs and torn apart. This is all so men can enhance their sexual performance. The practice is truly disgusting.  The Korean ambassador (and tourist organizations) need to step up and side with the animals by forcing the government to create and enforce laws that will punish people for their cruel actions.

You can also help by not buying Korean products and by writting to:

Embassy of the Republic of Korea
2450 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Ph: 202-939-5600
Fax: 202-797-0595

and to:

Korean National Tourisim Organization
Two Executive Drive, Suite 750
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Ph: 201-585-0909

For more info please visit In Defense of Animals

Together we can do it!!!!

" If you want peace, you must fight for those who can not defend themselves"- L. Silver

We the undersigned have recently been made aware of the cat and dog meat trade, which is a cruel and inhumane practice. Please help stop this blatant abuse of defenseless animals that have done nothing to deserve the barbaric treatment they endure. All this abuse occures because some men believe their suffering will enhance their sexual performance and cure rheumatism. No amount of suffering will accomplish what these induviduals believe they are achieving by torturing animals. No creature deserves or should have experience such an excruciating death for any circumstance let alone a myth. 

Cats are remarkable animals that are often unfairly viewed as pests. In fact  they control disease and famine by keeping rodent populations in check. In addition, they  have many areas of their brain are similar to our own which create emotions comparable to ours.  They are the last animals to be domesticated and often choose human company even though they are solitary by nature. We let them down by having them suffer for a myth. Dogs are the first animal to be domesticated and serve many invaluable functions. They are guardians of family and home and would willingly give their life for a human they loved. To die in such a cruel way is to betray them.

There are so many injustices in the world that need to be stopped and this is one of them that can be. You can help by passing an amendment to the Animal Protection Law. By passing such an amendment this horrific practice can be stopped. Such a law is needed so that the individuals participating in these unthinkable acts can be held accountable and punished, with as much compassion as they have had for their victims.

Please help us accomplish this.  We know your time is valuable and limited. We  thank you for taking the time to read our letter and hope you can help us make a difference in the lives of all the animals that can not speak for themselves.

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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