Ban foie gras from Bath!

Foie gras - French for 'fatty liver' -  is produced by forcing metal pipes down the throats of ducks and geese and force-feeding them until their livers become infected with a disease called 'hepatic steatosis,' and unnaturally enlarged to up to ten times the natural size.  In many cases, this causes their organs to rupture, scars the oesophagus, and makes it painful to move.

Foie gras is banned from being produced in the UK, but many shops and restaurants continue to legally import and sell it.  However, city councils like York and Bolton have now banned the sale of foie gras on all council-owned properities in these cities, which goes a long way to helping end this cruelty.  Sign the petition today and help us persuade BANES Council to ban foie gras from council properties here.

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