Stand with us to end experiments on dogs

Puppies don't belong in labs. Every year, tens of thousands of innocent dogs are deliberately sickened with toxic chemicals and infected with diseases. They spend their days trapped in cold metal cages, only to be taken out for agonizing experiments—often without pain medication. Tragically, when the experiment is over, they are typically killed.
Most puppies born in laboratories, or in breeding facilities that supply laboratories, never have the chance to express their natural instincts, to roll in grass or fetch a ball. They never know a loving family or that humans can be kind.
Experiments using dogs are happening in 46 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. The federal government plays a role by funding, requiring and/or carrying out these experiments. Between 2015 and 2019 the National Institutes of Health awarded researchers over $202 million in taxpayer money for experiments on dogs. We need your help to end this.
No dog deserves this miserable life. Please sign now to urge federal and state governments to take action that will permanently end cruel experiments on dogs and invest in alternatives that don't harm animals!
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