Tell Home Depot to ditch Glue Traps!

Home Depot is seemingly dedicated to improving your home. But I don't call laying out traps that starve and suffocate animals like rats, birds, and mice improving your home.

My personal belif is that animals should be free to roam without the constant threat of humans, but there comes a time when mice must find another place to call home. Humane traps and deters that don't kill are the best, but glue traps are cruel and should not exsist!

According to PETA, animals who are snared in the trap must chew of limbs to get home, unless their faces are stuck in glue and they suffocate. Tormenters (a better name for glue trap users) are advised to throw away the trap, with animal, regardless of wether the animal was dead or alive.

Tell Home Depot to switch to more humane pest control devices and get rid of the glue trap once and for all. 

Dear Home Depot,
I am a very concerned customer  of yours. I am a little angry you have turned back on your promise with PETA and decided to sell glue traps again. You should know that animals needlesly suffocate and starve slowly in these death devices. There are so many humane alternatives, and with our growing compassion footprint, humane traps may sell better.
Please switch to more humane traps and consult PETA on this issue.
Thank you. 

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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