Justice for George the Pit bull puppy killed as 'act of revenge"

  • da: Maria O.
  • destinatario:  Marathon County Circuit Court
The body of George, a 6-month-old pit bull, was found in a garbage bag in a shed behind the home of Aaron J. Kremer-Allen.

Kremer-Allen told police killing the dog was an act of revenge for how he perceived his sister had been treated by her ex-boyfriend, according to a police report. Kremer-Allen's sister's ex-boyfriend owned the puppy, named George.

Kremer-Allen's sister had been caring for the dog since her relationship with the dog's owner ended. The ex-boyfriend called police when he heard the dog might have died.

Dear Sir,
we the undersigned are asking you justice for George!
The body of George, a 6-month-old pit bull, was found in a garbage bag in a shed behind the home of Aaron J. Kremer-Allen.

Kremer-Allen told police killing the dog was an act of revenge for how he perceived his sister had been treated by her ex-boyfriend, according to a police report. Kremer-Allen's sister's ex-boyfriend owned the puppy, named George.

Kremer-Allen's sister had been caring for the dog since her relationship with the dog's owner ended. The ex-boyfriend called police when he heard the dog might have died.

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