This Taxidermy Collection Featured Hundreds of Stuffed Endangered Species. Demand an Investigation!

Investigators in Spain recently discovered the corpses of more than 1,000 poached animals -- all stuffed and turned into taxidermied decorations or trophies. The gruesome collection featured the bodies of many endangered species, including elephants, rhinos, Bengal tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, polar bears, and more. Some of the animals belonged to species that are already considered extinct in the wild!

All of these dead animals' stuffed forms were just sitting in two warehouses, presumably ready to be shipped to their future owners.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

Authorities reported that the taxidermied wildlife was supposedly "worth" more than $31 million -- but the only "worth" they should have is being able to live their own lives. It's sickening to ever think about a price being placed on these poor animals' heads.

The man who owns the warehouse filled with taxidermied endangered animals was already under investigation before this horrible discovery. Authorities suspected a pattern of smuggling and other crimes, which led them to examining his warehouse. Despite this, though, the perpetrator has not yet been arrested.

This man and all his connections must be investigated. It's gut-wrenching to know that more animals could be in danger in the future if his criminal network is allowed to continue operating.

Wildlife are precious. They are not trophies or decorative pieces! Urge Spanish authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the entire criminal ring involved in the taxidermying of these 1,090 animals. Sign the petition to stand up for endangered species now!
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