Stop brutal maltreatment of wild animals in trainee hunting stations in Russia

  • da: Mona Stern
  • destinatario: To the Authorized Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir M. Grinin in Berlin (Germany)

We are vehemently against the brutal maltreatment of wild animals in trainee hunting stations in Russia. We demand that the Government of the Russian Federation takes action and closes down all the trainee hunting stations. Maltreatment of wild animals should be severely punished!

Animals should be able to lead a life in conformity with their needs and behavior, without pain and suffering. The dignity and intrinsic value of a wild animal should also be recognized and protected.

The background: Trainee hunting stations (pritrawotschnyh stations) are camps where hunting dogs are trained especially for bear baiting and fights. Animal rights organizations have observed that the number of such stations has increased enormously in recent time. The camps are also used for recreation and leisure activities.

Dogs can be trained as often as possible, even every day. A baiting exercise costs the owner 200 Rubel (about € 5.00). For this sum the dog is given 10 minutes to fight the other animal, sometimes biting it to death. It is just a question of price.

The animals that are brought to baiting training cannot defend themselves. Teeth and claws are removed; they are locked up and tied up. They suffer enormous stress and pain through injuries. Old or sick circus bears are preferred.

In the Moscow region there are about ten baiting stations and hundreds throughout Russia. They are quite legal as there is no law against these bloody performances.

In Russia animals are not protected by law and have no rights as in most countries of Europe.


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