Make it the law that potential pet owners receive a home inspection.

Negligence of pets is a serious, and increasing, problem within the UK. Charities such as the RSPCA are fighting a constant battle to keep animals safe, protected and well looked after. But they need your help.

This vital petition wants to bring a positive change to pets all across the United Kingdom. The aim is simple; to make it the law for potential pet owners to receive a home inspection before they become responsible for a life. It really isn't that hard, and in becoming a law, pets all across the United Kingdom would be guarenteed to be homed into a suitable establishment, or else the potential pet owner (after failing the inspection) will not be allowed to obtain the pet.

Aggiorna #111 anni fa
Good work guys!

Thank you so much for your contribution on this matter, but we still need more signatures. Please continue to share and recommend this petition to all those around you.

Stay well,
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione
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