Stop destroying the Animal Refuge

UPDATE: The Townhall didn't evict them yet, due to a number of messages received from people around the world, but they still are in danger because the mayor still wants to put this shelter down, evict them and kill the animals. They even started to gather signatures against this shelter from people who don't know anything about their real situation. They still need your help! ******* This Refuge for Animals "Spike" operates on a terrain franchised from the Cernavoda Townhall and now the townhall wants to terminate the contract for no reason and kill the over 200 dogs and over 200 cats because the owners of the refuge have no other place to go. Most of the people, even most of the Romanians, don't know that in Romania the local elections are conducted with the money that come from the killing of stray animals. Would you kill 400 children (because this is what those animals are for their caretakers) because you wouldn't have a place for them? They need a space where they could continue to operate, donations of food and different materials, free legal assistance, and anything with which you can help them. Contact address for donations (PayPal) or for any kind of help: (this is one of the founders who lives there in the refuge). You can also write to those resonsible of this abuse. Please, flood them with messages:;, Those animals and their caretakers desperately need a miracle! Be that miracle for them, please! Help them!

Stimate Domnule Prefect, Domnule Primar, Membrii ai Consiliului Local. Va rugam sa permiteti in continuare desfasurarea activitatii Refugiului pentru animale "Spike, care se straduieste sa tina in viata aproximativ 500 de animale. Dumnezeu ne-a menit sa ne impartim spatiul de viata cu animalele din jurul nostru. Nu avem dreptul sa le ucidem si sa le chinuim indiferent care ar fi interesele noastre. Stim ca este foarte usor sa se ia decizii atunci cand efectiv nu se stie cat suflet si ce eforturi uriase au fost depuse pentru sustinerea acestui adapost si cand, efectiv, interesele politice si/sau materiale depasesc compasiunea pentru cei pe care ii afecteaza aceste decizii, dar, va rugam sa va ganditi bine ca, daca desfiintati acest adapost, veti avea sangele acestor animale si ale ingrijitorilor lor pe maini, pentru ca cei doi fondatori ai asociatiei nu vor mai putea supravietui fara... copiii lor. Ati ucide 500 de copii pentru ca nu ati avea unde sa ii duceti? Va rugam cu tot respectul sa le permiteti sa isi continue activitatea. Va multumim.

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