The critically endangered Maui's dolphin is the smallest and rarest subspecies dolphin in the world,- there are only 55 left. They are found only in New Zealand, off the west coast of North Island, and are the country only native cetacean.
Their habitat is under threat from seismic testing, with is done for oil and gas exploration. Seismic testing blasts compressed air at the ocean floor every 20 seconds, for weeks and even months at a time. Dolphins and whales,(who navigate by sonar), have been found dead on the beach in other parts of the world, bleeding from their heads where seismic testing has taken place.
If the dolphins are to survive the noise pollution, they would travel to fishing grounds where they could be caught in fishing nets. Gillnets and trawling kill about nine per cent of the population a year, and fishing is the primary source of death.
We ask the Prime Minister of New Zealand to stop seismic testing, and ban it. It threatens the habitat of Maui's dolphin and with only 55 left, could lead to its extinction. Protect the marine environment from offshore drilling, spills, and leaks.
New Zealand Prime Minister
Rt Hon John Key
Phone: 04-817-6800 (Parliament)
The critically endangered Maui's dolphin is the smallest and rarest subspecies dolphin in the world,- there are only 55 left. They are found only in New Zealand, off the west coast of North Island, and are the country only native cetacean.
Their habitat is under threat from seismic testing, with is done for oil and gas exploration. Seismic testing blasts compressed air at the ocean floor every 20 seconds, for weeks and even months at a time. Dolphins and whales,(who navigate by sonar), have been found dead on the beach in other parts of the world, bleeding from their heads where seismic testing has taken place.
If the dolphins are to survive the noise pollution, they would travel to fishing grounds where they could be caught in fishing nets. Gillnets and trawling kill about nine per cent of the population a year, and fishing is the primary source of death.
We ask the Prime Minister of New Zealand to stop seismic testing, and ban it. It threatens the habitat of Maui's dolphin and with only 55 left, could lead to its extinction. Protect the marine environment from offshore drilling, spills, and leaks.
New Zealand Prime Minister
Rt Hon John Key
Phone: 04-817-6800 (Parliament)
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