Swine Flu Slaughter

'We remind Hosni Mubarak that we are all Egyptians. Where does he want us to go?" said Gergis Faris, a 46-year-old pig farmer in another part of Cairo who collects garbage to feed his animals. "We are uneducated people, just living day by day and trying to make a living, and now if our pigs are taken from us without compensation, how are we supposed to live?" This was said just days ago by a pig farmer in Egypt. This is after Hosni Mubarak, the current Prime Minister of Egypt ordered the slaughter of all roughly 300,000 pigs in Egypt. This has left many un-diseased pigs dead and many uneducated citizens of Egypt jobless. This slaughter has been ordered even though no reported cases of the disease has occered in Egypt. However, this is not the first time Hosni Mubarak has order the slaughter of supposedly diseased animals in the country. Mubarak also ordered the slaughter of many farm birds during the bird flu. This un-necessary slaughtering must stop! Sadly, the slaughter of these innocent pigs has already gone ahead, but I urge you to sign this petition to stop the future slaughter of farm animals and job loss for those who care for them. Please, have a heart. Help those without a voice.
Dear Hosni Mubarak,

We the undersigned are writing to you after learning that, due to the outbreak of Swine Flu, you have ordered roughly 300,000 pigs, all the pigs in Egypt to be slaughtered. This has also caused much distress amoung the citizens of your country as those who farmed the pigs, are now out of jobs.

I am very disturbed that the slaughter has already gone ahead as there have been no reported cases of the Swine Flu within your country, Egypt. I am also disturbed to know that the same fate has also fallen upon the farm bird when the bird flu was at large two years ago.

The following is a quote, said just a few days after your announcment of the slaughter:

"We remind Hosni Mubarak that we are all Egyptains. Where does he want us to go?" said Gergis Faris, a 46-year-old pig farmer in another part of Cairo who collects garbage to feed his animals. "We are uneducated people, just living day by day and trying to make a living, and now if our pigs are taken from us without compensation, how are we suppost to live?"

[Insert your comment here]

We understand that you are doing this to protect your country from disease but is it necessary to slaughter the animals if they are disease free? First birds, then pigs. Who can say what will be next?

Thank you for your time and your consideration of this issue.
Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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