Let's Make A Stand and Save our Wolves

Let Us Put a Stop to the actions that would lead the magnificent GrayWolf back onto the endagered List!  Sign this Petition today!

 Less than two months after wolves in the Great Lakes region were removed from the federal endangered species list, the Wisconsin State Assembly approved a bill on Wednesday that would open the way for a wolf hunting and trapping season.

The bill, supported by hunting groups, Republicans and some Democrats, passed by a 69-25 vote. It was opposed by environmental groups and the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Game Commission, which represents Ojibwe tribes in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota. The tribes have significant rights in wildlife management in much of the area where wolves are found and said they were not consulted on the hunting plans as required by a treaty. State wildlife biologists also criticized various elements of the bill.

The measure now goes to Gov. Scott Walker.

A number of Democrats spoke Wednesday against the bill and sought amendments, denouncing it as “very irresponsible and anti-science.” No Republicans spoke for the bill or against the amendments.

Seven proposed amendments failed to win approval. Most were intended to soften the bill, which would allow hunting at night with dogs, lights and traps. One amendment, offered by a Democrat who cast it as a jobs measure, would have required that hunters eat the wolves they killed, supposedly creating some additional jobs for butchers and chefs.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources would have the leeway to decide how many licenses to issue for the hunting season, which would run from mid-October through the end of February.

Stop the killing of the Gray Wolf


The state of Wisconsin brought the wolves here and protected them because they were becoming extinct... and now because they are flourishing and doing what predators do they are allowing mass genocide. The part that makes me angry is not the rancher who is protecting their cattle but the guy who lives in the city who buys a tag not to kill to protect his family or livestock but to kill for the pure enjoyment of killing. This should have been controlled by the fish and game and not some guy that wants to put a trophy of one of the most magnificent animals in existence on his wall in his living room.

They are not unlike us they protect their family as we do live in packs as we do. We have destroyed other species they simply do not exist anymore, what legacy are we leaving for our children?

Predators balance nature we have un-balanced it by interfering in the normal process. If this is not stopped it will open the door to other animal kills that we deem unnecessary, soon there will be none to kill we will have to visit what is left in a zoo.

Glenn McGinty

NOTE: The gray wolf has faced possible extinction before and it cannot be left unprotected again. I demand that Congress stop its attack on the Endangered Species Act and protect the gray wolf.

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