California- Lift The Ban On Owning Ferrets As Pets

Ferrets are small creatures that can make amazing pets for some but in the state of California, the animal is banned for pet ownership.  Those that have implemented the ban claim that these animals are vicious and can harm children. However, evidence seems to show differently. 

California’s Research Bureau did an analysis that showed ferrets to not pose any unusual risk of bites to children and owners.  Statistics have shown that a dog can bite more quickly than a ferret will.  This is not to say that children and infants should be left alone to play with a ferret, or any other animal for that matter. 

A ferret can be trained not to bite and if raised appropriately and tenderly, from day one, they can make amazing pets, especially when working with a very young animal.  They do require time and patience.  Ferrets are generally 1 to 2 feet in length and weight up to 35 pounds.  When it comes to the behaviors of a pet ferret, the California Research Bureau states that it is all a matter of responsible pet ownership. 

Back in 1987 when ferrets were banned in California, one of the issues was a lack of the rabies vaccine for this animal.  However, a vaccine has been available since 1992.  But ferrets have minimal susceptibility to catching rabies.  These are predominantly indoor pets.  Read 

Another concern at the time of the ban was that the ferrets would escape and terrorize wildlife which was found to be unsubstantiated.  These animals could not survive in the wild.  These are very playful animals that is relatively safe to love and care for.  Our efforts through this petition is to lift the ban on owning a ferret as a pet in California.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  Every responsible pet owner should be able to have, love and care for the pet of their choice.

California legislators – The California Research Bureau has done research on the behavior and personality of ferrets, stating that these animals are very safe, fun and safe to own as pets.  Their studies have shown that they can actually be safer than some dogs and pose no threat to their owners.  Of course, it all depends on responsible ownership but this small animal should not be banned because of past concerns and fears that have not been substantiated. Please lift ban on ferrets as pets!

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