Ban Cruel Fish Bleeding Ritual!

An ancient Italian fishing ritual called "La Mattanza" has occurred annually off the coast of Sicily and Sardinia since the 15th century. The cruel ritual involves coaxing rare bluefin tuna through a three-mile-long, narrow path of nets, then slicing them open and leaving them to bleed to death. The bleeding process is thought to make the meat more tender, and much of the fish is sent to Japan for use in sushi and sashimi. 

A video of the ritual clearly shows the fish struggling and thrashing in pain. We now know that fish experience pain, and despite tradition, we believe it is unethical to allow the cruel "La Mattanza" ritual to continue. Please sign the petition to tell the Italian government to ban the practice.

We, the undersigned, are concernet about the ancient Italian fishing ritual called "La Mattanza" that has occurred annually off the coast of Sicily and Sardinia since the 15th century. The cruel ritual involves coaxing rare bluefin tuna through a three-mile-long, narrow path of nets, then slicing them open and leaving them to bleed to death. The bleeding process is thought to make the meat more tender, and much of the fish is sent to Japan for use in sushi and sashimi. 

A video of the ritual clearly shows the fish struggling and thrashing in pain. We now know that fish experience pain, and despite tradition, we believe it is unethical to allow the cruel "La Mattanza" ritual to continue. Please take action to prevent these fish from experiencing this type of prolonged pain and stress in the future. Thank you for your consideration.

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