Worker Ownership Cooperatives, modeled after Mondragon, are part of the way out of this mess the 99%

With the war against the Middle Class, that has been going on for too many decades, Worker Ownership Cooperatives, can get the people an honest 21st Century Living Wage, so we then can take care of ourselves, as we hearing about that responsibility from many sides.

I first heard of the Mondragon Cooprative of the Basque in Spain, back in 1994.  My Mom had been telling m the Family History of the Cheveries who are Basque.   The French had kicked the Cheverie's out of France.  We ended up on Prince Edward Island.  The English tried to kick us out of there.  My Ancesters went and hid in the woods for 15 yars and had lots of kids.  I told my Mom, ''I want to know what they are doing now?''  2 weeks latter she showed me an Article in the Catholic Digest, about Mondragon's Worker Ownership.
As an IBEW Journey Man ""Wirenut'' (as we called ourselves.) who had worked in a good part of this Country, with all of my benefits being sent back to my Home Local, 103 of Boston, saw right away how Unions  could make it work here.  Been planting seeds about it to all kinds of Unions, Churches, and other gathering places, from my address book picked up through the years.
''OWS has not yet formed a group consciousness to create Democratic Social Organizations to serve the Nation  But Vermont and Montana are creating citizen operated Health Insuranc.  And North Dakota has had its own State Bank for over 90 years, which bypasses Wall Street and The Fed.  Ithaca New York has a Democratic Social Town Bank.  And the nation media is showing their shameful censorship for the whole country to recoil from.  United Steel is planning Worker Owned Factories.  It's a long journey back to Liberty and justice.  We will struggle to end lobbying and to end the Federal Reserve (Which is owned and run by private banks and has no reserves.).  Its a lot of work.''-J C Skues --A good Facebook Friend of mine.
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