Beatriz Menchen is not famous in Spain. She is not even appearing on the news even though she is one of the bravest and most valuable person in our country. How is this possible?
18 days ago Menchen went on an indefinite hunger strike to demand that the Getafe animal shelter stop sacrificing animals.
Sitting inside her van, Menchen, a vegetarian and an animal lover since she was a child, thinks that pets should not be put down unless they are seriously ill. She herself ran the Getafe shelter for 14 years until she was fired, and during that time 3166 animals were adopted and only 1.6 percent of dogs and cats were sacrificed due to humanitarian reasons. Yet in the six months since a new company, Vetmovil, took over, fully 66 percent have been put down, according to figures provided by Menchen and backed by several associations. She only want to get her job back and save as many lives as possible along with her NGO 'La voz animal'.
She couldn't stand the idea of all those unnecessary killings, so she decided to go on a hunger strike so that people will finally react and stop the killings not only in Getafe but all around the country.
Her initiative has sparked a movement in other parts of Spain, where animal rights activists are about to embark on their own hunger strikes. Ignored by most until just a few days ago, Menchen's voice is now timidly being heard. The Mayor and the City Council, however, seem to ignore her and her sacrifice. After 17 days of fruitless negotiations Menchen's health weakens (she spent a night at the hospital and her organs are already affected), authorities are unwilling to reach an agreement. All the animal lovers in Spain are shocked and horrified that the Mayor of Getafe put money and pride before a life (human and non-human) and common sense. Are they really willing to let her die? Why isn't she appearing everyday on the news? What kind of monsters are governing us?
Obviously, Beatriz and her fight are not being taken seriously enough in Spain, so she needs help from all over the world. We cannot abandon her! Please, sign this petition to support her almost 38000 signatures are needed and we only have 12771! You just have to write your name (nombre), last name (apellido), e-mail (correo) and postal code (codigo postal). You can also sign this petition (every signature counts) but that petition is crucial (if your code is not regional, tick the little box at the bottom after you type in your code and your signature will be accepted).
You can also send the letter attached to the Mayor ( ) and the City Council ( Please do it now, every hour counts! If they get thousands of e-mails maybe they will come to their senses before it's too late!
(There are an english and an spanish version of the letter. Thanks to the person who wrote the english version! Choose one of them)
To: Pedro Castro Vazquez
Dear Mayor of Getafe:
I am writing to you because I have knowledge of change management Getafe kennel. A change quite grim as it has gone from a 14-year management with 1.39% of sacrifices, a six-month management has 66.66% of sacrifice, with a higher budget.
I think the councils should follow the will of its citizens and society in general and in this case, the citizens want a management that decides on the adoption of stray animals and not by indiscriminate slaughter. In short, citizens want a kill-dog kennel, we sacrifice 0.
A City Council that, so far, has been an example of how to manage an Animal Protection Centre, in terms of welfare and animal adoptions are concerned (98'24%) and yet has left this impeccable track record and inexplicably has gone to hire a company-killing dogs, day by day, week to week, bloodstain all other decisions to be taken.
For all this, and knowing that the previous administration responsible for the Center for Animal Protection, Beatriz Menchen, has launched an indefinite hunger strike in Getafe to get the city back to animal protection, I fully sympathize with their cause and outraged citizen Beatriz unconditionally support and their claims, which are also the most.
I'll spread the news among my acquaintances are public information, citizens should know how you manage your local municipal kennel and I remind him that these animals, which are being slaughtered within walking distance of the consistory, do not vote, but all we do.
I look forward to your reply,
Estimado senior Alcalde de Getafe:
Me dirijo a usted porque he tenido conocimiento del cambio de gestion de la perrera de Getafe. Un cambio absolutamente nefasto ya que ha pasado de una gestion de 14 anios con un 1,39% de sacrificios, a una gestion que en seis meses lleva un 66,66% de sacrificios, con un presupuesto superior.
Creo que los Ayuntamientos deben seguir la voluntad de sus ciudadanos y de la sociedad en general y, en este caso, los ciudadanos queremos una gestion que opte por la adopcion de los animales abandonados y no por su sacrificio indiscriminado. En definitiva, los ciudadanos no queremos una perrera mata-perros, queremos sacrificio 0.
Un Ayuntamiento que, hasta el momento, ha podido ser ejemplo de como se debe gestionar un Centro de Proteccion Animal, en cuanto a bienestar y adopciones de animales se refiere (98%) y, sin embargo, ha dejado esta impecable trayectoria y ha pasado inexplicablemente a contratar una empresa mata-perros que, dia a dia, semana a semana, mancha de sangre el resto de decisiones que pueda tomar.
Por todo ello, y conociendo que la responsable de la anterior gestion del Centro de Proteccion Animal, Beatriz Menchen, tiene en marcha una huelga de hambre indefinida en Getafe hasta conseguir que la proteccion animal vuelva al municipio, me solidarizo plenamente con su causa y como ciudadano indignado apoyo incondicionalmente a Beatriz y a sus reivindicaciones, que tambien son las mias.
Voy a difundir entre mis conocidos esta noticia, son datos publicos, los ciudadanos deben saber como gestiona usted la perrera municipal de su municipio y le recuerdo que esos animales, a los que se esta masacrando a poca distancia de su consistorio, no votan, pero todos nosotros si.
Quedo a la espera de su respuesta,
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