Stop SB262 - Licensing horses and other animals in Oregon

This bill has slipped past and is now in Committee.  Urgent attention is needed to stop this.  Even if you don't live in Oregon and/or own a horse, you may know someone that does.  If this bill passes in Oregon, your State may be next.

This bill will replace brand inspections for equines with equine ownership certificate. Requires owner to obtain equine ownership certificate for equine that is present in state for more than 30 consecutive days. Makes failure to obtain certificate subject to maximum fine of $500 per equine for first occurrence and $1,000 per equine for second or subsequent occurrence. Establishes requirements for recording transfer of ownership of equine.
  Requires providing equine with food, water and opportunity to rest after each eight hours of transport time. Makes violations subject to maximum fine of $500 per equine for first occurrence and $1,000 per equine for second or subsequent occurrence.
  Establishes duties of livestock carrier transporting equines. Establishes prohibitions for livestock carrier transporting equines. Requires that equine ownership certificate or equivalent document issued by another state accompany equine transported by
livestock carrier. Makes violations subject to maximum fine of $500 per equine for first occurrence or $1,000 per equine for second or subsequent occurrence.
  Establishes equine trader permit system.
  Requires State Department of Agriculture to establish registry of equine rescue facilities. Identifies certain failures to disclose or misleading or deceptive statements by persons not registered as equine rescue facility to be unfair trade practice.
  Establishes requirements for livestock auction market sale of equines. Repeals temporary horse sales license provisions.
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