Stop Craigslist from supporting child prostitution and human trafficking!

Many people are unaware of a frightening, severe problem we have right here in the U.S. Every day children are being exploited for sex and money, many of them right in our hometowns. is a strong supporter of child prostitution and exploitation, no matter what they may say officially. For more detailed information, go to Google and search "Craigslist human trafficking". You will be shocked and appalled at what you learn. If you still don't believe it, check out for yourself. The prostitutes are advertised under Erotic Services. It doesn't take an expert or cop to tell some of these girls are not as old as they say. Note that pictures which do not show faces, or where faces are blurred, are generally an indicator that something is wrong.

Please join my cause. People need to know about this. People need to teach their kids about the every-day dangers of human trafficking. You may think it will never affect you, but you are wrong. It affects us all, as Americans. And as human beings.
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