Sen. Obama: Withdraw Your Support of "Clean Coal"

Recently in West Virginia, Senator Barack Obama ran a campaign advertisement outlining his support for federal funding of "Clean Coal" technologies.

This is troubling because it shows a trend by Senator Obama of supporting the continued funding of carbon based fuels that contribute to global warming.

In 2005, Senator Obama supported an Energy Bill written by Dick Cheney and the oil and gas industry lobbyists that contained federal funding for "clean coal" technology. Just last year, Senator Obama also introduced the "Coal-to-Liquid Fuel Promotion Act of 2007." The Sierra Club has called liquefied coal, "the dirtiest, most expensive energy gamble we could take."

Please sign this petition and tell Senator Obama that you are ready for a President who takes on the coal industry and supports innovative technologies that will lead our country, and our world, into a clean energy future.
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