We have had enough of the stupid demands of the those who support Ron Paul for President. The time has come for true Conservatives to Rise Up and Take a Stand!

It is our Duty to Defend the Integrity of the GOP! These radical cultists that support Ron Paul will not get away with demanding the GOP nominate Ron Paul or else!

Therefore, the REAL Conservatives of the Republican Party hereby DEMAND that Ron Paul END his Presidential Campaign at once, and Exit the GOP along with his radical cult followers/supporters!

Ron Paul is NOT to launch any type of third party campaign, or launch a write-in campaign, or We the People will campaign against Sen. Rand Paul, and place a real Conservative in his place!

We will NOT have our Party invaded and the moral planks weakened by
Ron Paul and his Radical supporters! 
We the Conservative voters of the Republican Party hereby call upon you to end your campaign for President. We call upon you to EXIT the Republican Party due to the fact that you Sir are a Libertarian, who is more liberal than the conservative power base of the Republican Party, and we implore you to take your radical supporters with you as they are a detriment to the Republican Parties conservative/moral platform.

This petition is a direct response to your supporters demands toward the GOP leadership to nominate you for President, or else they will reject all other candidates, and writing you in on election day, with the possibility of causing Obama to win another four years.

The radical leftist that support you see you as a way to destroy the Republican Party from within. We the People, the Conservative Voters find this to be unacceptable, and we are taking the appropriate action to counter-act this.

God Bless America!
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