Let's get Kris shirtless!

  • da: The Dirty Minds
  • destinatario: People who think Kris Allen should be shirtless

We, the undersigned, are not asking for much. We are not looking to change the world or end world hunger or any other noble cause like that. What we are looking for is much more simple.

We would like a photoshoot of Kris Allen. Shirtless.

Obviously we cannot force Kris to do anything, but we are hoping this petition proves that there are many, MANY people out there who are interested in seeing everything Kris is hiding under those thin white tshirts.

We could spend a lot of time talking about why this is, but why don't you go visit http://www.the-dirty-minds.com/ instead.

Watch the videos. Look at the pictures. Listen to his music. Read his words.

Sign the petition.

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